We feel every ⅓ parent out there is spending half of their time wondering what shall my kid’s next meal be? Or, How shall I ever make them empty their plates without chasing them around the corners, sharing stories that may have never occurred or playing Peppa Pig on any available screens. Making them love their food and finish them is a stated task every day for many of our parents.
Kids growing up should eat full meals in one or another form every day that are rich in fiber, nutrition, and energy. Food Nutritionists suggest that foods that are full of vitamins and carbohydrates should be included in children’s diet to improve their growth. This may sound very obvious but is quite tough work, but we promise this will be easy, quick, and every kid’s next favorite meal! Let us give you some ideas on how to kid-o-nize meals with just a few cuts here and there. And trust us, you’ve made this plenty of times before too.
And remember, all the ingredients mentioned within this article are available on Daraz DMart. Click the links to head over to DMart instantly.
1. Bear Bread Toast
Instead of giving them plain toast with some jam and jellies, try natural nut-butter or chocolate spread onto one side of a toast and top it with some fresh fruits. Bring out your artistic side over here or just assemble fruits to make animal faces and patterns. Easy?

2. Animal Pancakes
These will be a stunner for the kids. Cook pancakes like every day and with the help of fruits, give it some eyes, ears, and nose. Make it in different sizes and shapes to stack up so you are giving the portion of 3 pancakes into one. They won’t realize.
Grab seasonal fruits from your nearest grocery store or visit Daraz’s DMart for fresh produce every day.

Fruits you can use: Grapes, Apple, Strawberry, Banana, Kiwi
3. Star Sandwich
A grab-and-go cheese sandwich in between their online school break or afternoon break that is easy as well as fun to make. You can also involve your kids while making this and share some adorable moments together.

You will need cheese, bread, and a star-shaped cookie cutter. Lightly toast the bread and sandwich cheese together and cut into star-shapes. Give a handful of fresh grapes or sliced apples to go with it.
4. Octa-sausage Fried Rice
This brings back our own memories. Cutting legs on a piece of sausage and frying them to make it look like an octopus. This is very simple. Use a quarter-inch sausage piece and slice halfway through. Repeat until 4 small cuts and fry them. Serve it with fried rice and scrambled eggs, perfect for lunch/dinner.

5. French Toast Sticks
Yet another classic afternoon snack or breakfast that is simple to make and rich in protein. Slice white/brown bread into quarter-inch sticks and coat each side with beaten eggs. Fry them in little oil or butter until brown and crispy. Roll them in cinnamon sugar (optional) and drizzle with some honey. Definitely, you can alter sugar for salt and serve with tomato ketchup.

6. Trial Mix
Ready in minutes, an easy one bowl mix with the goodness of nuts, dried fruits, and seeds. High in protein and vitamins, this is a very easy and quick snack for kids and adults too. In a bowl, mix sliced almonds, peanuts, raisins, pumpkin seeds, and Cheez Bit.

Fill their small pockets with a handful and let them go off to play, study, or have a TV break.
7. Cheese/ Salted Popcorn
Spend time watching movies with your kids. Play some informative or animated movies made for children along with homemade cheese popcorns. Recreate them the experience of watching movies at the hall which keeps them mindful and entertained amidst the lockdown.

How to use Cheese Powder: Pop the kernels and while hot drizzle with some melted butter and sprinkle the Cheese Powder. Mix well and Enjoy.
Buy certified and organic products at Daraz Dmart
So here you are, some of the easiest snacks turned into kid’s meals. Invite them for a helping hand in the kitchen and share adorable moments with them, keeping them full, healthy, and happy. Do try them and let us know your experience, share pictures and tag us. Also, visit Daraz and head over to the Dmart section to get some amazing deals on groceries items.
About The Author

Pratisara Manandhar is an entrepreneur, an avid foodie as well as a writer. She currently runs her own Online Bakery shop called PrattyBakes from where she delivers a wide range of amazing, fresh homemade cookies and biscuits. Click the link below to check out PrattyBakes’ Instagram page. And while you’re at it, get yourself some tasty delights.