If you’re looking to make healthier choices, try the tips below when preparing your favorite dishes. Don’t worry, you don’t need to sacrifice your love for your favorite foods. You can just make a few adjustments and you’ll find yourself enjoying healthy foods without giving up on anything!
So the next time you’re trying to make your favourite dish, try these steps instead.
Use an Air Fryer for Your Favorite Fried Treats

Tasty food is fried – yes? Well, no more! If you want to indulge without overloading on all that oil you can choose to air fry your goodies!
Whether it’s chicken roast, or chips – air frying can give you that same, lovely crispiness without the excess oil. This also makes for a lighter snack that doesn’t make you feel bloated or uncomfortable afterwards.
Ditch the Powdered Drinks and Create Your Own

Who doesn’t want to gulp down all the liquids as soon as the fast breaks? But loading up on powdered juices and soda throughout the month can take a toll on your health. They’re loaded with sugar and artificial ingredients that do nothing to nourish and replenish your body.
Instead of relying on powdered drinks, try making your own creative concoctions with natural ingredients. Get yourself a blender or a mixer and that’s it. You can flavor your lassis, smoothies and shakes with seasonal fruits and honey.
Check out how you can make some delicious smoothies for yourself.
Skip the Sugar and Use Some Honey for Your Fruit Chaat

Sugar tastes good, but too much sugar is very bad for health. Simply, skip sugar and replace it with organic honey. The flowery, light flavor of the honey will go wonderfully, and is more nutritious and healthy.
Alternatively, for more depth of flavor you can also use chaaku or bheli for another burst of nutrients!
Being healthy doesn’t mean cutting out the foods you love. It’s just a matter of replacing the unhealthy ingredients and methods with healthier ones.
Hope this will help you!